Well, here we are. New Year and things are moving forward better than what was expected. We have all of you to thank for that. It is amazing to see and feel what the model railroad community is all about.
To start out, We now have Broadway Limited Imports as a supporter for our productions. This is amazing in the way of they have given us a gift certificate to giveaway for our 104th (2 years) episode. We are greatly appreciative of them supporting this podcast. We ask that if you go to their site and purchase, please let them know you came from Model Railroad Talk.
As you may have seen, the website has changed. This has been deliberated for quite some time. The forums and groups were not getting use as much as we would have liked. Not a problem at all, as there are great forums already out there, however, we feel this will be better suiting to what these productions are about.
Lastly, Our YouTube channel is growing in a great way. Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to our channel, We are looking forward to it's continual growth and producing videos for you all.
"Keep Your Train on the Tracks!"